At LivingLens our frontend team have been using Ember.js exclusively to build the client side of our application for almost three years now so I thought I'd share a little about our experience.
So to get started here's a list of my favourite Ember resources that I recommend to new team members to help bring them up to speed as quickly as possible. Hopefully they can help you fast forward to becoming an Ember Ninja too.
Official Ember Tutorials
There are actually two great tutorials in the official Ember docs.
The Quick Start is short and focused on giving an overview of how to install Ember, create an application, create a component, wire up an event and build it all. It also has a fantastic brief overview of the core concepts and architecture of Ember.
The Ember Tutorial walks you through the Ember concepts explain each in more depth while building a full application.
Ember Weekly
Weekly Ember news on releases, RFCs and conferences as well as links to great new packages blog posts and videos. All delivered fresh to your mailbox and there's also an archive of all the previous issues that you can browse at your leisure.
Ember Data in The Wild book
Ember Data is no small subject in itself but this short book will give you an in depth understanding of how every part of it fits together. It will also teach you essentials like how to query data, how relationships are resolved, how to customise serializers/adapters to work with a non-standard API and how to test your customisations.
Sam Selikoff created the Ember CLI Mirage addon which really transformed the way our frontend team interacts with the team building our API (more on that another time). He has also teamed up with Ryan Toronto to create EmberMap which is a paid, $29 a month for a single user $99 for up to 5, series of fantastically informative and well produced videos that deep diving on specific Ember subjects. Once you've grasped the basics of Ember these videow will really help you get a much deeper and more complete understanding of data loading, component side effects, the build pipeline and many more work.
Ember Screencasts
Ember Screencasts is the first of two resources that were created by @jeffreybiles. It's a free series of extremely high quality videos covering a number of core concepts in Ember. Some of the older videos are getting a little out of date now but I highly recommend the series on ESNext, Editing and Validating Forms with ember-changeset, Automated Testing and the Introduction to Ember Data 2.0.
Ember School
The second resource from @jeffreybiles Ember School is not free or particularly cheap at $495 but it is great value if you're short on time and want to get up to speed quickly from the very basics. This tends to work great for developers with little front end experience and gives a great foundation of Ember knowledge coverint almost everythign from a HTML quickstart all the way to up to building a complete application, understanding Ember's architecture and getting to know the community.
EmberWeekend Podcast
Every week Chase McCarthy and Jonathan Jackson put together a short and snappy podcast where they chat about news in the Ember world as well as their experience working with it every day. Their style is really engaging and every episode you'll gain at least a couple of nuggets of Ember wisdom.
Ember Videos YouTube Channel
I'm not sure who curates this channel but it's a fantastic collection of talks from Ember conferences, camps and meetups that is regularly updated. All the videos are top quality and it's a great way to learn some best practices as well as getting a view into upcoming and new features.
When getting started with Ember it can be confusing to know where to look for addons and how to evaluate them. Both Ember Observer and Ember Addons give you a search feature as well as a scoring system that will grade the addon from 1 to 10 to help you find what you're looking for quickly.
Ember Observer
Ember Addons
Finally when you're stuck on a problem here's a couple of resources where you can reach out for assistance.
Ember Slack
The Ember community is incredibly helpful, if you're on Slack and would like to chat or would like some assitance then the community Slack is a great place to get help.
Ember StackOverflow
OK so I'm guessing almost everyone knows what StackOverflow is by now but just in case you're wondering where to ask/answer/search specific ember questions ...
What'd I miss
If I've missed any resources you'd recommend please let me know.